

revolutionary nervous system technology

An evidence-based approach with gentle and precise force applications that teaches you and your body to self-regulate, unwind and release tension naturally towards your own authentic alignment.


Network Spinal enhances body awareness and develops new neurological connections between the brain and the body so that the brain can discover the unconscious ways you are holding tension.


This technology creates two healing waves through the spine that promote self-healing by releasing old behaviors and subconscious patterns stored in the body and replaces it with sustainable strategies that leads to wholeness, wellness and growth.

People who participate in our programs…


breath, movement, sound

(SRI) is a breathing technique that integrates breath, movement, and sound to attune you to your own inner rhythm and wisdom. This tool enhances somatic awareness to support your healing by strengthening your own inner resourcefulness. As you bring compassionate awareness to areas of disconnection, pain, and tension you are able to shift towards connection, peace and ease.


“Network Spinal Analysis and Somato Respiratory Integration are among the most powerful sources of transformation I have ever experienced or seen. They produce embodied and empowered strategies that are both sustainable and enjoyable for enhanced human resourcefulness and wellness. I am stronger, more inspired, creative and healthy because of this work. It has personally and professionally helped me to maximize my ability to contribute to others.”

Our Process

how we work


Intro Call

Book a zoom chat with Dr. Miriam. She will be asking some questions to get to know you and share the sacred and science behind her unique approach. This call will take 40 minutes.


First Appointment

Book your first visit online and fill out the paperwork before arriving to your visit. It will take about 20 minutes to fill out.


You will have a 1:1 consultation with Dr. Miriam to review where you are at and where you want to be relative to your health goals. We will do a postural exam and hands-on spinal exam to collect the findings. We will talk about care plans and financial options and determine if Bloom Collective is a good fit! You will receive your first entrainment and will be welcomed into our growing family. Please allow 90 minutes for the appointment.


Begin Care

Come in for your Network Spinal entrainments and start seeing your life change!